Glossary of Cellulite Terms (D-G)

Commonly used cellulite and cellulite-related terms pertaining to cellulite, cellulite treatment, cellulite reduction and removal.

A-C | H-L | M-S | T-Z

Dermis: the middle layer of skin containing mostly fibroblasts which are responsible for secreting collagen, elastin and ground substance that give the support and elasticity of the skin. Improving the elasticity of the skin is a goal in cellulite reduction and treatment. Also present are immune cells that are involved in defense against foreign invaders passing through the epidermis.

Diet: Cellulite diet plays a small role in the treatment of cellulite, because cellulite is basically a genetic, hormonal, and anatomic problem. A cellulite diet can help in cellulite reduction, especially if you are overweight, but it won't cure the cellulite problem.

"Edematous-fibrosclerotic panniculopathy" is a medical term used to describe cellulite.

Electrotherapy: EMS or electrical muscle stimulators are prescription devices used in physical therapy for the treatment of specific neuromuscular problems. They are used by health spas. The FDA considers use of muscle stimulators for cellulite reduction and body contouring to be an ineffective cellulite treatment.

Endermologie®: a technique, deep massage device, used for the treatment of cellulite reduction. Endermologie will temporarily reduce the appearance of cellulite, firm the cellulite skin and reshape the body.

Epidermis: the outer layer of skin is a multilayered, vascular structure consisting of 85% keratinocytes. For a long time it was considered to be an inert, passive membrane that forms the barrier of the internal environment to the outside. In recent years it has, however, become obvious that it is a dynamic structure that actively participates in the reactivity of the skin to injury. This is due to the ability of the keratinocytes to secrete cytokines and express adhesion molecules upon stimulation. This is the layer of skin first to see the effects of cellulite.

Estrogen:the natural occurring hormone estrogen adds to cellulite's puckered appearance: It makes fat cells sticky, so they bunch together like grapes, contributing to the appearance of cellulite.

Exercise: One way to specifically target the cellulite (fat) under the loose skin is to firm up the muscle under the skin, which will make the skin look tighter and smoother. Exercise for cellulite reduction will not eliminate cellulite but it will help improve the appearance of cellulite.

Fat: All muscles in the body are covered with a padding of fatty, connective tissue, which varies in thickness, and is surrounded by a liquid - supplying this "covering" with nourishing and removing waste products. Everyone has fat; not everyone has cellulite. Cellulite is a type of fat tissue in the subcutaneous layer of the skin that contains constricting bands of connective tissue which needs treatment.

Glycolic Acid: also known as Alpha Hydroxy Acids, found in plants and certain foods including citrus fruits, apples, grapes, tomatoes, apricots, and sour milk. Although sometimes used as a cellulite reduction treatment, no studies have been published on AHAs as an effective treatment for cellulite reduction.

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